Who Am I

The feeling of making something great is beyond explanation. This is one of the many reasons why I am so passionate about art and ceramics.
I specializes in different forms of arts. This includes artistic pottery, painting, mosaic sculpture, craft designs, a mixture of nature, objects, and clay, painting and a lot more. As an artist, I strives to produce art as a form of expression, designed to wow, a statement of art, a natural blend of several art forms, and be a directional inspiration to refreshment.
My obsession with art developed through beading, sewing, gardening, and macramé. Out of this grew the attraction to discover different forms of art. I has been fascinated by the enjoyment of making artworks along with distinctive decorative beauty mixed with functional simplicity. My passion focuses on experimenting with colors and patterns to make a functional table wear creation into art pieces. I am looking for ways to turn usual into unusual, regular into exciting, routine into an elevated experience of the householder. I approaches art as a vital field of color energies, yet her artworks are made of shapes, strongly contrasting colors, edges of all types.